Destiny Coleman (2021)

My name is Destiny Coleman, I am a second year Environmental Science major at Florida A&M University with goals to become active in the field of research and conservation for marine life and environments. I’m not sure what triggered my love for the ocean and everything in it, but I haven’t strayed from the path of marine biology since elementary school when I first learned the term. I have always been fascinated about the ecology of the ocean and how it is the moving force for so many things on Earth. I know that it is a precious resource that must be protected and I am excited to learn more for myself so that I can educate other people.This summer, I was awarded the opportunity to participate in the 2021 MES internship program at Savannah State to research Environmental Quality. I did not know what to expect at the start but was nonetheless excited for the chance to acquire research experience and knowledge in the field I love. My enthusiasm was met with a wonderful mentor and other dedicated interns who were just as excited to grow. The MES internship did nothing but increase my love for the environment and prepare me even further for my future career. I am grateful for my entire experience with the MES program because it equipped me with skills that will be relevant for the rest of my college experience and career life.