Balancing the Carbon Cycle: Environmental Justice in a Changing Climate
The course Balancing The Carbon Cycle: Environmental Justice in a Changing Climate focuses on educating climate change and how climate change impacts the...
Environmental Justice Issues in Puerto Rico
In the following course, we will explore various aspects of environmental justice issues in Puerto Rico. The island’s extensive history of political controversy, arising...
Energy and Environmental Management
Each lecture within this course is structured to encompass a comprehensive learning experience, integrating video presentations, PowerPoint materials, and associated quizzes/tests. The overarching objective...
Mechanical Engineering Contribution to Environmental Justice
Description: Participants will learn about the connection between mechanical engineering and environmental justice. By the end of this course, participants will understand the...
Understanding the Value of Environmental Justice
Summary: This course will discuss the economic advantages of creating environmental justice. We will discuss the importance of improving air and food quality, infrastructure,...
From Forming Your Resume To Finding The Job
Instruction Sheet Resume and Cover Letter Writing & Interview Prep Dear Student, Before you proceed to the next video, please send me your current...
How do you feel about networking? What do you think the purpose is for networking? View networking as a place where you are honored...
Basic Project Management (MES)
Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific...
Anchors, Activities, and Allies
Course Description: What do you want out of life? Take some time to answer this question. Then write the answer down on several pieces...
Understanding Change
PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE DOCUMENT. Hello, I am Dave Wess Sr., Adjunct Professor at Pre-College University. Welcome to my class titled, “Understanding Change.” I...
Environmental Justice 101
The purpose of this course is to provide an overview of the history of Environmental Justice, background information on various environmental justice issues and...
Three Bulls in the Ring
COURSE DESCRIPTION “Three Bulls in a Ring” is a concept developed around 2009 when working with colleges and universities to secure external funding for...